シルヴァン外伝 持たざる者たち The Forgotten
Sylvain is unable to stand idly by when he learns that the band of thieves once led by his brother, Miklan, are again causing trouble in Margrave Gautier's territory.
(訓練場 昼)
Training Grounds | Daytime
シルヴァン: よう先生、ここにいたんですね。お元気そうで何よりです。
Sylvain: Hey, Professor. How's life treating ya?
シルヴァン: よう先生、ここにいたんですね。あんたの周りはいつも輝いて見えますよ。
Sylvain: Hey, Professor. You're looking lovely as ever.
シルヴァン: もしかして、今日もお仕事ですか?たまには放り出してもいいんじゃないです?
Sylvain: Are you working today? You gotta take a day sometime. Get out in the world and have some fun.
Choice 1: それもいいかも That's not a bad idea.
シルヴァン: そうそう、たまには仕事のことなんて忘れて遊び倒す日があってもいいはずです。
Sylvain: Right? Sometimes you gotta forget all the things you oughta do and focus on what you'd rather do.
Hey, we should go get something to eat. My treat.
Choice 2: そういうわけには I could never...
シルヴァン: その、先生……折角ですから、ちょっと飯でもおごらせてくださいよ。
Sylvain: Aw, come on, Professor. Let me buy you something to eat. Relax for a couple hours at least.
Choice 1: 要らない No, thank you.
シルヴァン: ほら、そう言わずに……いや、無駄か。正直に本題に移ったほうがよさそうだな。
Sylvain: Ah, fine. You're missing out though.
Choice 2: 何が目的? What are you after?
シルヴァン: 流石は先生、お見通しってわけですね。最初から素直に言っときゃ良かったかな。
Sylvain: What? I can't invite my professor to dinner without it being a scam? Heh! I...ah...OK, fine. You got me.
シルヴァン: 頼みにくい話ではあるんですが……手を貸してもらいたいことがあるんです。
Sylvain: I need to ask a favor, and I wanted a way to work up the courage to ask you.
Choice 1: 手を貸してもらいたいこと? Ask me what?
Choice 2: まさか女性関係の……? Is this about a girl?
シルヴァン: ええ、実は街の女の子と……ではなくて。違います、今回ばかりは違いますから。
Sylvain: No, for once it's not about a girl.
シルヴァン: 簡潔に言うとですね、うちの領地まで盗賊退治に来てもらいたいんです。
Sylvain: There are thieves in my father's territory. I was wondering if you'd go with me to drive 'em off.
You remember the thief leader you fought at Conand Tower, yeah?
Choice 1: 兄上? Your brother?
シルヴァン: ……盗賊マイクランはゴーティエ家の長男。つまりは、俺の兄貴にあたるってわけです。
Sylvain: Yes, Miklan. He was the oldest son of House Gautier.
Choice 2: マイクラン? Miklan?
シルヴァン: ええ、ご名答。もう死んじまいましたけどね……。
Sylvain: That's right. Although he's dead now...
シルヴァン: どうやら兄上の率いていた盗賊の残党が、うちの領地で暴れ回ってるようでしてねえ。
しかも厄介なことに、騎士団じゃなく俺だけをですよ? 面倒でしょう?
Sylvain: What's left of his band of thieves is causing trouble in Gautier territory.
My father has asked me to come home and put down those murderous jerks.
But he's asked for me to come alone–no knights, no backup of any sort. That's crazy, right?
Choice 1: 確かに面倒 Yes, that's crazy.
Sylvain: The way my father is...he probably has some other motive that I'll never know.
Choice 2: なぜシルヴァンだけ……? Why just you?
シルヴァン: 教団に遺産を取り戻してもらった手前、また頼むのは面子が立たないんでしょう。
Sylvain: Because he thinks he'd lose face asking the church for help.
I don't know. He could have asked another trusted house to send troops, but he only asked me.
And the way my father is...he probably has some other motive that I'll never know.
シルヴァン: それにしたって、父上は俺に修行でもさせるつもりなんですかねえ……。
Sylvain: Maybe he just wants me to get some more experience in battle. Crazy way to suggest it though.
Anyway, I'm not going alone, no matter what he asks. I'm going to ask some of the others in our class to help too.
But none of us have your expertise. If you'd come with us, I'd be grateful.
Choice 1: 構わない(外伝戦闘へ) Of course. (Begin Paralogue battle)
シルヴァン: 流石は先生! それじゃあ早速、俺はみんなに話をつけてくるとしましょう。
Sylvain: Great! I'll talk to the others and see who's in. Thanks, Professor!
Choice 2: 今は無理(準備に戻る) I can't right now. (Return to previous screen)
シルヴァン: ……まあ、話が急すぎましたし、そう言われちまうのも仕方ないか。
Sylvain: OK. I understand. I did kind of just drop that question on you, huh?
If you change your mind though, let me know. I'll be around for a bit.
シルヴァン: さて、盗賊を挟み撃ちにするところまではどうにか漕ぎつけましたか。
Sylvain: OK, we've got the thieves covered on both sides.
Some of the thieves are still carrying what they stole, so we have a chance to get it back.
Gotta be careful, though. They'll run off faster than a nobleman's daughter if we just rush in.
Target the strongholds to cut off their escape routes.
シルヴァン: 父上は、盗賊以外のごろつきどもも、討てば人数に応じて報酬を出すって言ってたが……
Sylvain: My father's offering a reward for every thief and rogue we take out. The more you beat, the more you get.
Just remember, you gotta take them down fast. They'll bolt as soon as they're hurt.
Take the strongholds and we cut off their escape route.
vs 盗賊頭
盗賊頭: フン、てめえらみたいな偉そうな奴に殺されてやる義理はねえ!
Thief Leader: Gah... I'm not sticking round here to get slaughtered by a bunch of stuck up jerks like you!
シルヴァン vs 盗賊頭
盗賊頭: てめえ、その面……まさか、お頭の弟か!?
Thief Leader: Hey, I know that face. You're the boss's little bro, right?
シルヴァン: ……うちの兄がご迷惑を。お前らも大変な目に遭っただろうな。
Sylvain: I'm sorry to say it, but yeah, I'm his brother. And he's led you into a bad spot.
Anyway, your boss is dead. So this is your chance to disband this little Thief gang of yours.
盗賊頭: ほざくなよ、“お嬢様”! 誰だって、好きで盗賊なんざやってねえんだ!
Thief Leader: Quiet, fool! You think I have any other choice but to be a Thief?
シルヴァン: ああ、まあ、そうだよなあ……。……悪い悪い、馬鹿なこと聞いちまった。
Sylvain: Well, it's probably on me for making such a stupid request.
シルヴァン: よし……これでいいよな。とりあえず、この逃げ道は塞げましたね。
Sylvain: OK, that'll do it. This exit route is blocked off.
Very good. Now, let's keep cool and take out the other strongholds.
シルヴァン: よし、この砦も押さえられましたね。これで、こっちの道も塞げました。
Sylvain: That's one more stronghold taken and one more escape route blocked.
There are still some strongholds left. Professor, which should we go for first?
シルヴァン: ここまで逃げ道を塞いじまえば、ほとんど片づいたようなもんですね。
Sylvain: Another escape route blocked. We're nearly done!
Take out those thieves, and capture that last stronghold.
Thief: We've been rattled... Let's get out of here for now.
Sylvain: Ugh, they're getting away! If only we'd taken the stronghold out in time.
Thief: I guess we've pinched enough stuff here. That'll keep our bellies stuffed for a while!
Sylvain: Professor, are you letting them get away? Come on, we gotta block off their escape routes!
シルヴァン: さて、これで盗賊討伐も終わったか。なかなかに、骨が折れましたねえ。
Sylvain: That's the last of them. Great work, everyone.
Thieves everywhere... I can't believe this is what the world is coming to.
At least we've restored the peace here, even if it's only for a little while.
(玄関ホール 昼)
Entrance Hall | Daytime
シルヴァン: 先生、この間はお疲れ様でした。付き合ってもらえて本当に助かりましたよ。
Sylvain: Professor, thank you for your help.
We drove off the thieves and got a reward from my father. Job well done, eh?
シルヴァン: ……っと、報酬と言えば。こいつを忘れちゃいけませんでしたか。
Sylvain: Although, I don't know how to feel about this particular reward.
I guess that's why my father tasked me with this particular mission.
He wanted me to prove myself worthy of this Relic.
This weapon, the Lance of Ruin... It killed my brother, and now it's mine.
Byleth: 危険ではない? Isn't that dangerous?
シルヴァン: ああ、そこは心配ご無用です。俺にはゴーティエの紋章がありますから。
Sylvain: Not remotely. I bear the Crest of Gautier.
The same Crest my brother wished for his whole life but never came to possess.
シルヴァン: ……あの戦いの後、父上に尋ねたんですよ。なぜ、俺に盗賊の討伐を命じたのかを。
Sylvain: I spoke with my father after the battle.
He confirmed that his intention was for me to claim the Lance of Ruin as my own.
I see why he thinks that's necessary. Still, using Miklan for that purpose...
If he was still alive, I wonder what he'd think of that.
Byleth: マイクランの話? You're still thinking about your brother, aren't you?
シルヴァン: ……ええ。
Sylvain: I suppose I am...
Miklan hated me from the moment he found out I had a Crest and he didn't.
He was selfish and egotistical. I know it's not right to say bad things about the dead, but he earned it. Even now, I'm still cleaning up his messes.
I have to wonder though... What if it was the other way around? If he had the Crest and I didn't...
Would I be the one my father thought was worth forgetting? Or would my fate have been wholly unlike his?
Byleth: 考えても仕方ない Thinking like that won't get you anywhere.
シルヴァン: ……あっはは、そうですよね。過ぎたことを悩むなんて、俺らしくない。
Sylvain: You're probably right, Professor. It's not like me, is it?
I don't pray much...but I think I'm going to pray for those who lost their lives to the thieves tonight.
And for all of us. I'm afraid there are more days like this coming our way.
Byleth: なぜそう思う? Why do you say that?
シルヴァン: なぜって……そうだなあ。元々、ファーガスは寒くて貧しい土地です。
Sylvain: Faerghus has always been a cold place. Never very well-to-do.
Until about 10 years ago, our region was a battlefield for the people of the Sreng Region to the north.
And after the late king fell, the whole Kingdom became unstable.
So it's no real surprise that more and more people are resorting to thievery just to survive.
シルヴァン: おまけに今の摂政は、女に熱を上げて国政を省みない、なんて噂もありますし……
Sylvain: And there are those rumors of the current regent being too busy chasing the ladies to bother with governing. Don't worry, I get the irony.
The whole damn Kingdom is in decline because of nonsense like that.
I'm hoping once we get Dimitri on the throne everything will get better.
Anyway, I'll leave it up to you to decide how you want to use our reward.
シルヴァン: それから、“破裂の槍”もね。あんたになら、任せて大丈夫でしょうから。
Sylvain: Including the Lance of Ruin. I know I can trust you with it until you think I'm ready.
シルヴァン: ……そうだ、先生。今度こそ美味い飯でもおごらせてください。
Sylvain: And, Professor, if I could, I'd still like to buy you a meal
Choice 1: 気を遣わなくていい There's no need.
シルヴァン: いやいや、そう言わず!ほら、俺とあんたの仲じゃないですか。
Sylvain: Hey, come on. Aren't we friends now?
シルヴァン: あっ、そんなに俺と食事に行くのは嫌なんです? ……なーんて、冗談ですよ。
Sylvain: Or do you really just hate the idea of having dinner with me? Just kidding! I know you're busy.
Choice 2: また何か頼みが……? You have another favor to ask?
シルヴァン: あっはは、別に他意なんてありませんって。
Sylvain: No, I'm just asking a friend to hang out, that's all.
シルヴァン: 本当にありがとうございました、先生。……感謝してるんですよ、本当にね。
Sylvain: Again though, thank you for everything, Professor. I couldn't have done it alone.